end with a RETURN statement specifying an
System action: Execution stops.
User response: Make the necessary corrections.
CICREX481E Error 49 running fn ft, line nn:
Language processor failure
Explanation: The language processor carries out
numerous internal self-consistency checks. It issues this
message if it encounters a severe error.
System action: Execution stops.
User response: Report any occurrence of this
message to your IBM representative.
CICREX482E Error 19 running fn ft, line nn: String
or symbol expected
Explanation: The language processor expected a
symbol following the CALL or SIGNAL instructions, but
none was found. You may have omitted the string or
symbol, or you may have inserted a special character
(such as a parenthesis) in it.
System action: Execution stops.
User response: Make the necessary corrections.
CICREX483E Error 20 running fn ft, line nn: Symbol
Explanation: The language processor either expected
a symbol following the CALL ON, CALL OFF, END,
SIGNAL ON, or SIGNAL OFF keywords or expected a
list of symbols or variable references following the
keywords. Either there was no symbol when one was
required or some other characters were found.
System action: Execution stops.
User response: Make the necessary corrections.
CICREX484E Error 24 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid
TRACE request
Explanation: The language processor issues this
message when:
v The action specified on a TRACE instruction, or the
argument to the TRACE built-in function, starts with a
letter that does not match one of the valid alphabetic
character options. The valid options are A, C, E, F, I,
L, N, O, R, or S.
v An attempt is made to request TRACE Scan when
inside any control construction or while in interactive
v In interactive trace, you enter a number that is not a
whole number.
System action: Execution stops.
User response: Make the necessary corrections.
CICREX485E Error 25 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid
sub-keyword found
Explanation: The language processor expected a
particular sub-keyword at this position in an instruction
and something else was found. For example, the
NUMERIC instruction must be followed by the
sub-keyword DIGITS, FUZZ, or FORM. If NUMERIC is
followed by anything else, this message is issued.
System action: Execution stops.
User response: Make the necessary corrections.
CICREX486E Error 28 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid
Explanation: The language processor encountered an
incorrect LEAVE or ITERATE instruction. The instruction
was incorrect because of one of the following:
v No loop is active.
v The name specified on the instruction does not match
the control variable of any active loop.
Note that internal routine calls and the INTERPRET
instruction protect DO loops by making them inactive.
Therefore, for example, a LEAVE instruction in a
subroutine cannot affect a DO loop in the calling
You can cause this message to be issued if you use the
SIGNAL instruction to transfer control within or into a
loop. A SIGNAL instruction terminates all active loops,
and any ITERATE or LEAVE instruction issued then
would cause this message to be issued.
System action: Execution stops.
User response: Make the necessary corrections.
CICREX487E Error 29 running fn ft, line nn:
Environment name too long
Explanation: The language processor encountered an
environment name specified on an ADDRESS
instruction that is longer than the limit of 8 characters.
System action: Execution stops.
User response: Specify the environment name
CICREX488E Error 33 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid
expression result
Explanation: The language processor encountered an
expression result that is incorrect in its particular
context. The result may be incorrect in one of the
v ADDRESS VALUE expression
v NUMERIC DIGITS expression
Error Numbers and Messages
Appendix A. Error Numbers and Messages 385