Note: This is an authorized command.
COPYS2R stor_anchor vname offset length
* struct_vname fieldname
struct_name fieldname
COPYS2R copies data from GETMAINed storage to a REXX variable.
specifies the REXX variable containing the anchor for the target storage area that was GETMAINed
earlier. This anchor consists of four bytes, containing the address of the earlier GETMAINed storage.
specifies that all the REXX variables are copied. If you specify an asterisk (*) you cannot specify
specifies the REXX variable containing the value to be copied from the previously GETMAINed area.
Note: This value should be in quotes so that substitution does not occur.
specifies the displacement into the previously GETMAINed storage area, that the contents of the
REXX variable is copied to. The first byte of the area is indicated by a displacement of zero.
specifies the length in decimal bytes of the copy performed. If this length is specified, then the
contents of the source REXX variable is truncated, or padded with blanks to match this length, and
then copied. However, the source REXX variable is not altered in this process. If this length is omitted,
then the current length of the source REXX variable, is used.
specifies a REXX variable containing a structure definition (or mapping) of the fields in the
GETMAINed storage area. The format of the data in this variable is: field1_name length ...
fieldn_name length. This capability is provided so that field displacements are easily calculated and
changed, from a central location.
specifies the structure file ID containing a structure definition (or mapping) of the fields in the
GETMAINed storage area.
Structures are made up of records in the following format: fieldname location length type, where:
specifiesa1to12character symbolic name of the field.
specifies the position in structure that this field starts (the first position is 1).
specifies decimal length of this field in bytes.
specifies the field data type: C (character), F (fullword), or H (halfword).
isa1to12character symbolic name associated with the destination field for this copy. This name
must exist in the above specified REXX variable or structure definition file. The fieldname must be
specified when struct_vname or struct_name is specified.
Chapter 25. REXX/CICS Commands 329