that before running SHCDS CFREPAIR, the restored user catalog must be import
connected to the master catalog on all systems (see the “Recovering Shared
Catalogs” topic in DFSMS/MVS Managing Catalogs).
Forward recovery of data sets accessed in non-RLS mode
For data sets accessed in non-RLS mode, use the following forward recovery
1. Close all files
Close all the files that are open against the failed data set, by issuing CEMT, or
EXEC CICS, SET FILE(...) CLOSED commands in the CICS region that owns
the files.
2. Create a new data set
Create a new data set into which the backup is to be restored. At this stage, it
cannot have the same name as the failed production data set.
3. Restore the backup
Restore a full backup of the data set to the new data set created in step 2. You
can use the recovery function (HRECOVER) of DFSMShsm to do this.
4. Run the forward recovery utility
Run your forward recovery utility to apply the forward recovery logs to the
restored data set, to redo all the completed updates.
5. Delete the old data set
Delete the old data set to enable you to rename the new data set to the name
of the failed data set.
6. Alter the new data set name
Use access method services to rename the new data set to the name of the old
data set.
Renaming is necessary to enable CICS to perform any outstanding backout
These steps are summarized in the following commands, where the data set names
are labeled with A and B suffixes:
CEMT SET FILE(...) CLOSED (for each file opened against
the failed data set)
EXEC PGM=fwdrecov_utility
Procedure for failed RLS mode forward recovery operation
There are some forward recovery failures that can be resolved.
For example, when:
v FRSETRR fails because the data set is already allocated to another job
v The restore fails because the backup has gone to tape and operator intervention
is required
v The forward recovery doesn’t work because the log data sets have been
198 CICS TS for z/OS 4.1: Recovery and Restart Guide