
Preface ..............vii
What this book is about ..........vii
Who should read this book .........vii
What you need to know to understand this book vii
How to use this book ...........vii
Changes in CICS Transaction Server for
z/OS, Version 4 Release 1 .......ix
Part 1. CICS recovery and restart
concepts ..............1
Chapter 1. Recovery and restart facilities 3
Maintaining the integrity of data .......3
Minimizing the effect of failures ........4
The role of CICS .............4
Recoverable resources ...........5
CICS backward recovery (backout) .......5
Dynamic transaction backout ........6
Emergency restart backout.........6
CICS forward recovery ...........7
Forward recovery of CICS data sets......7
Failures that require CICS recovery processing . . . 8
CICS recovery processing following a
communication failure ..........8
CICS recovery processing following a transaction
failure ...............10
CICS recovery processing following a system
failure ...............10
Chapter 2. Resource recovery in CICS 13
Units of work .............13
Shunted units of work..........13
Locks ...............14
Synchronization points .........15
CICS recovery manager ..........17
Managing the state of each unit of work....18
Coordinating updates to local resources ....19
Coordinating updates in distributed units of
work ...............20
Resynchronization after system or connection
failure ...............21
CICS system log .............21
Information recorded on the system log ....21
System activity keypoints.........22
Forward recovery logs...........22
User journals and automatic journaling .....22
Chapter 3. Shutdown and restart
recovery ..............25
Normal shutdown processing ........25
First quiesce stage ...........25
Second quiesce stage ..........26
Third quiesce stage ...........26
Warm keypoints ............27
Shunted units of work at shutdown .....27
Flushing journal buffers .........28
Immediate shutdown processing (PERFORM
Shutdown requested by the operating system . . . 29
Uncontrolled termination ..........30
The shutdown assist transaction .......30
Cataloging CICS resources .........31
Global catalog ............31
Local catalog .............32
Shutdown initiated by CICS log manager ....33
Effect of problems with the system log ....33
How the state of the CICS region is reconstructed 34
Overriding the type of start indicator .....35
Warm restart .............35
Emergency restart ...........35
Cold start ..............36
Dynamic RLS restart ..........37
Recovery with VTAM persistent sessions ....38
Running with persistent sessions support . . . 38
Running without persistent sessions support . . 40
Part 2. Recovery and restart
Chapter 4. CICS cold start ......45
Starting CICS with the START=COLD parameter . . 45
Files ................46
Temporary storage ...........47
Transient data ............47
Transactions .............48
Journal names and journal models......48
LIBRARY resources...........48
Programs ..............48
Start requests (with and without a terminal) . . 48
Resource definitions dynamically installed . . . 48
Monitoring and statistics .........49
Terminal control resources ........49
Distributed transaction resources ......50
Dump table .............50
Starting CICS with the START=INITIAL parameter 50
Chapter 5. CICS warm restart .....53
Rebuilding the CICS state after a normal shutdown 53
Files ................54
Temporary storage ...........55
Transient data ............55
Transactions .............56
LIBRARY resources...........56
Programs ..............56
Start requests .............57
Monitoring and statistics .........57
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1982, 2010 iii