Chapter 4. CICS cold start
This section describes the CICS startup processing specific to a cold start.
It covers the two forms of cold start:
v “Starting CICS with the START=COLD parameter”
v “Starting CICS with the START=INITIAL parameter” on page 50
Starting CICS with the START=COLD parameter
START=COLD performs a dual type of startup, performing a cold start for all local
resources while preserving recovery information that relates to remote systems or
resource managers connected through the resource manager interface (RMI).
About this task
This ensures the integrity of the CICS region with its partners in a network that
manages a distributed workload. You can use a cold start to install resource
definitions from the CSD (and from macro control tables). It is normally safe to
cold start a CICS region that does not own any local resources (such as a
terminal-owning region that performs only transaction routing). For more
information about performing a cold start, and when it is safe to do so, see the
CICS Intercommunication Guide.
If you specify START=COLD, CICS either discards or preserves information in the
system log and global catalog data set, as follows:
v CICS deletes all cataloged resource definitions in the CICS catalogs and installs
definitions either from the CSD or from macro control tables. CICS writes a
record of each definition in the global catalog data set as each resource definition
is installed.
v Any program LIBRARY definitions that had been dynamically defined will be
lost. Only the static DFHRPL concatenation will remain, together with any
LIBRARY definitions in the grouplist specified at startup or installed via BAS at
v CICS preserves the recovery manager control record, which contains the CICS
logname token used in the previous run. CICS also preserves the log stream
name of the system log.
v CICS discards any information from the system log that relates to local resources,
and resets the system log to begin writing at the start of the primary log stream.
Note: If CICS detects that there were shunted units of work at the previous
shutdown (that is, it had issued message DFHRM0203) CICS issues a warning
message, DFHRM0154, to let you know that local recovery data has been lost,
and initialization continues. The only way to avoid this loss of data from the
system log is not to perform a cold start after CICS has issued DFHRM0203.
If the cold start is being performed following a shutdown that issued message
DFHRM0204, CICS issues message DFHRM0156 to confirm that the cold start
has not caused any loss of local recovery data.
v CICS releases all retained locks:
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