
Chapter 13
Sample Results
Figure 13-26
Dat a E dito r with sample results
You can see
the sampling results in the Data Editor. Five new variables were saved to the working
le, representing the inclusion probabilities and cumulative sampling weights for each stage, plus
the nal” sampling weights for the rst two stages.
Cities with values for these variables were selected to the sample.
Cities with system-missing values for t he variables were not selected.
For each ci
ty selected, the company acquired subdivision and household unit information and
placed it in demo_cs_2.sav. Use this le and the Sampling Wizard to sample the third stage
of this design.
Using the Wizard to Sample from the Second Partial Frame
E To run the Complex Samples Sampling Wizard, from the menus choose:
Analyze > Complex Samples > Sele c t a Sample...