Chapter 17
Risk Estimate by Subpopulation
Figure 17-6
Risk estimate for newspaper subscription by response, controlling for income category
Relative risk estimates are computed separately for each income category. Note that the relative
risk of a positive response for newspaper subscribers appears to gradually decrease with increasing
income, which indicates that you may be able to further target the mailings.
Using Complex Samples Crosstabs risk estimates, you found that you can increase your response
rate to direct mailings by targeting newspaper subscribers. Further, you found some evidence that
the risk estimates may not be constant across Income category,soyoumaybeabletoincrease
your response rate even more by targeting lower-income newspaper subscribers.
Related Procedures
The Complex Samples Crosstabs procedure is a useful tool for obtaining descriptive statistics
of the crosstabulation of categorical variables for observations obtained via a complex sampling
The Complex Samples Sampling Wizard is used to specify complex sampling design
specifications and obtain a sample. The sampling plan file created by the Sampling Wizard
contains a default analysis plan and can be specified in the Plan dialog box when you are
analyzing the sample obtained according to that plan.
The Complex Samples Analysis Preparation Wizard is used to set analysis specifications for
an existing complex sample. The analysis plan file created by the Sampling Wizard can be
specified in the Plan dialog box when you are analyzing the sample corresponding to that plan.
The Complex Samples Frequencies procedure provides univariate descriptive statistics of
categorical variables.