Complex Samples Ratios
The Complex Samples Ratios procedure displays univariate summary statistics for ratios of
variables. Optionally, you can request statistics by subgroups, defined by one or more categorical
Example. Using the Complex Samples Ratios procedure, you can obtain descriptive statistics for
the ratio of current property value to last assessed value, based on the results of a statewide survey
carried out according to a complex design and with an appropriate analysis plan for the data.
Statistics. The procedure produces ratio estimates, t tests, standard errors, confidence intervals,
coefficients of variation, unweighted counts, population sizes, design effects, and square roots of
design effects.
Data. Numerators and denominators should be positive-valued scale variables. Subpopulation
variables can be string or numeric but should be categorical.
Assumptions. The cases in the data file represent a sample from a complex design that should
be analyzed according to the specifications in the file selected in the Complex Samples Plan
dialog box.
Obtainin g Complex Samples R atios
E From the menus choose:
Analyze > Complex Samples > Ratios...
Select a plan file. Optionally, select a custom joint probabilities file.
E Click Continue.
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