
bar code. Industry standard pattern of vertical lines.
You can use bar codes to indicate the beginning of a
new folder, the beginning of a new document, or to
provide a value to be used in indexing the folder or the
base product. The product that provides the
functionality required for the operation, for example,
FlowMark, Lotus Notes. This is the product called via
the Service Broker Manager.
benchmarking. Comparing something with a standard,
like comparing the performance of a business process
with another process of the same kind.
best of breed (BOB). A company that offers the same
or similar products and services as other companies in
that category, but at higher levels of performance in one
or more area of competition (for example, price, quality,
competence, customer service, and so on).
block. See
activity block
blueprint. The exact graphical representation of As Is
business processes or To Be designs. A blueprint can
be created at the architecture, logical, physical, or job
level. It can be used for implementing new processes
and for ongoing process management.
blueprinting. The procedure used to document a
company's process design in graphical form using
BOB. See
best of breed
bottom-up. Starting the modeling or design of
business processes from their lowest level of
abstraction and detail and then integrating lower-level
models or designs into a higher-level whole. See also
BPM. See
business process management
business process modeler
BPR. See
business process re-engineering
Buildtime. In FlowMark: the component used to define
processes. See also
bundle. In FlowMark: a type of block that supports
multiple instances of a single program or process
activity at run time. The number of instances of the
activity is determined at run time by a special program
activity called the planning activity. See also
activity, pattern activity
, and
planning activity
bundle activity. In FlowMark: one of the multiple
instances of the pattern activity created for an activity
bundle during Runtime. The number of instances is
determined by the input to the planning activity. See
planning activity
pattern activity
bus. A term borrowed from electrical engineering (or
computer design), which signifies a continuum with
concrete contact (start and exit) points. In this manual, it
represents a continuum of repetitive and unpredictable
processes, a set of sequential data stores, or a
continuum for capturing critical process quality
measurement points.
business. An entity that engages in commerce. A
business produces or sells goods and services, has
goals, processes, and personnel.
business area. Part of an enterprise implementing a
group or processes that support one aspect of
furthering the mission of the enterprise. Business area
is part of the logical model (LLOVC).
business control parameter. Goals, predictions,
targets, observations, and measurements of the
enterprise or individual organization units, such as
CSFs, AIRs, and CMPs. These business objects are of
primary importance to the purpose of the enterprise and
can be assigned to processes and activities in logical
and physical models and blueprints.
business process. See
business process management (BPM). The ongoing
management of business processes, from day-to-day
operational process management to radical business
process re-engineering.
business process modeler (BPM). An IBM business
modeling tool that is based on IBM LOVEM. Short
name: ProModeler.
business process re-engineering (BPR). A
disciplined approach to radically changing business
CABE. Computer Aided Business Engineering.
call flow management. The automated management
of telephone calls; especially applicable for call center
applications, where phone calls are treated as units of
work and are tracked and measured.
cardinality. In data modeling: an attribute of a
relationship that describes the membership quantity.
There are four types of cardinality:
1. One-to-one
2. One-to-many
3. Many-to-many
4. Many-to-one
CASE. Computer Aided Software Engineering.
38 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines