loop. A loop is an iteration of activities on a PLOVC or
JLOVC. There are two sets of exit criteria for a loop:
1. One set contains the criteria for exiting the loop
through the normal flow when the exit conditions
are met.
2. The other set contains the criteria for how often the
flow can go through the loop before terminating it if
the first criteria are not met. This set also has to
describe where the flow continues in case of an
abnormal termination.
loop connector. A symbol on a PLOVC or JLOVC
that points back to the starting point of a loop. The loop
connector contains the short and long names of the
activity, where the loop starts.
LOV. See
line of visibility
line of visibility chart
LTL. See
logical transformation list
manual/automation interface. The
manual-automation line on a PLOVC or JLOVC
between manual activities and systems. Systems
placed on this line show user interactions with the
systems. Systems placed below this line are batch
systems with no direct user interaction.
material. A commodity that is of value for the business
process. Materials are used or worked on by an activity
or system and are transported between activities and
systems. See also
material flow
material flow. Any tangible product or document that
is generated by an activity or system.
In LOVEM: input to, or output from, an activity or
system on a PLOVC or JLOVC; for example, a car, a
mortgage document, or a consultant's report. The
mode of transportation, such as courier, airplane, or
truck, can also be shown on the diagram as icons. See
information flow, data flow, document flow
, and
control flow
measurement. The extent, quality, or size of an
object. For example, the measurement of the object
can be expressed by
volume, height, weight
, and
the measurement of the object
can be
expressed by
effectiveness, cost, duration, or maturity
Measurements can be used for benchmarking. See
measurement point. A designated point in a process
path where measurements are to be taken. See also
critical measurement point
methodology. A collection of related techniques and
notations based on a common philosophy to solve a
series of major tasks. See also
metrics. The definition and description of a procedure
for taking measurements. Metrics can be assigned to
activities as
actual, target, or ultimate
mission. The purpose and nature of an enterprise.
model. The graphical and written representation of
observations and predictions of how a design could or
should be implemented. Models are usually built at
various levels of abstraction and detail. For example, a
business model depicts a defined business area that is
important to the enterprise; it can be shown as different
views of the same business area, such as:
Process or process path
modeling. Part of the design process used to create
alternatives or
what if
scenarios before committing to
the final design. See also
moment of truth. Your customer's perception resulting
from any contact that your company has with that
customer either in person or through a document,
product, or system. See also
service encounter
MQSeries. Message Queue Series: a communications
layer that establishes connection between two systems.
With MQSeries, messages can be sent and received
through queues.
navigation. The movement from a completed activity
to downstream activities. The paths followed are
determined by control parameters, their associated
transition conditions, and by the start conditions of
activities. See also
control connector, start condition,
exit condition
, and
transition condition
navigation evaluation. The process FlowMark uses to
decide which path to take. See navigation.
node. A point at which one or more functional units
connect. In a process diagram, nodes are the symbols
or objects that can be joined by connectors or flows,
such as activities, systems, blocks, sources, and sinks.
Glossary 43