
entity. A thing or object of importance to a business
about which the business wants to keep information,
such as customer or product.
event flow. In process-based applications, including
FlowMark, an event flow is part of the control flow. It
triggers the continuation of activities that are in a wait
status. See also
control flow, workflow
, and
task flow
exit condition. A control setting for an activity of a
PLOVC or JLOVC that determines when an activity is
complete and control is passed to the next activity. It
also determines when a process path or workflow is
completed. See also
start condition, start criteria
, and
exit criteria
exit criteria. The conditions that determine when an
activity has completed its actions. See also
external organization. In a PLOVC or JLOVC, an
organization unit, such as a government agency, a
bank, or a supplier, that is part of a process path, but
outside the organization of the enterprise.
FDL. See
FlowMark Definition Language
FlowMark. An IBM program product that manages and
controls the execution of a process path or workflow.
FlowMark Definition Language (FDL). An external
format for defining staff, programs, data structures, and
workflow models in a flat file. The definitions in the FDL
file can then be imported into a FlowMark database.
FRL. FlowMark Runtime Language. An external
format for templates, instances, and work items in a flat
file. The export utility program EXMPFREX.EXE
located on the FlowMark database server exports the
runtime database to an FRL file. Using the import utility
program EXMPFRIM.EXE, an FRL file can be imported
into a FlowMark runtime database.
formalism. The strict attention to rules and symbols
(for example, the LOVC rules and symbols).
goal. The statement of an enterprise's objectives or
direction. A business target that is to be met within a
given time. Goals can be qualitative, such as
become the best-of-breed
, or quantitative, such as
increase revenue by 20% over the next 12 months
Goals exist at the following organizational levels:
The enterprise
An organizational unit, such as a business area,
department, or job
Individuals, such as managers or employees
hand-off. The passing of a product, information, or
other materials from one department or workstation to
hierarchical structure diagram (HSD). A graphical
modeling technique, which shows the hierarchical
structure of organizations, processes, activities, goals,
CSFs, and systems. Its major use is the systematic
refinement of objects.
HLLAPI. High-level language application program
interface. HLLAPI is used by application programs for
host communication. FlowMark makes use of the
HLLAPI building block under OS/2 or MS Windows.
HSD. See
hierarchical structure diagram
IBM LOVEM. An IBM business process engineering or
re-engineering methodology, which can be applied at
the following levels:
Enterprise architecture
Logical process path model or blueprint
Physical process path model or blueprint
Job model or blueprint
Note: There are two levels of IBM LOVEM:
1. Line of Visibility Engineering Methodology
This level contains the full methodology,
which is documented in the IBM LOVEM
Consultant's Guide, and which is only
available to IBM consultants.
2. Line of Visibility Enterprise Modeling
This level contains the graphics and
applications of the methodology that are
implemented in ProModeler. This level is
documented in the IBM LOVEM User's
Guide and is available to the general public.
icon. A picture that represents the actual image of
information flow media or means of transportation, such
as a telephone, truck, or computer terminal.
information. Facts or objects that have meaning to
human beings; as opposed to
, which requires
context and interpretation in order to become
. Information is formatted data. Business
objects that are produced by or moved between
activities and systems using information flows.
information flow. An ordered packet of data. Input to,
or output from, any object on a PLOVC, or JLOVC,
Glossary 41