
v The wrong resource manager registration user or password was used when
installing the resource manager.
v Agent manager configuration files, such as AgentManager.properties or
Authorization.xml, are missing or have been altered.
v Security credentials are invalid, expired, or revoked.
v An agent is attempting to re-register, but duplicate registration is disabled.
Problems using the WebSphere Administrative Console
This section describes common problems that you might encounter with the
WebSphere Administrative Console.
Cannot start the WebSphere Administrative Console
You receive a Page cannot be displayed message when you start the WebSphere
Administrative Console.
Possible problems: This error can be caused by the following problems:
v The wrong port number is being used.
v The WebSphere server that runs the WebSphere Administrative Console is
Try the following solutions:
v Ensure that the port number shown in the browser Address field shows the
correct port number. Typically, this is port 9090, but it can be different,
particularly on AIX systems.
v Start the WebSphere server that runs the WebSphere Administrative Console:
As a Windows service
To start the WebSphere server as a Windows service, use the Windows
Services window or the Services folder in the Microsoft Management
Console to start the service with the following name:
IBM WebSphere Application Server V5 - server1
Using a Windows command
To start the WebSphere using a Windows command:
1. Open a command prompt window.
2. Change to the WAS_install_dir\bin directory.
3. Run the following command:
startServer server1
Note: The service name, server1, is case-sensitive.
4. Check the log to see if any errors occurred. The log is in the
WAS_install_dir\server1\logs\startServer.log file.
AIX, Linux, or Solaris systems
To start the WebSphere server on AIX, Linux, or Solaris systems, run the
following command:
startServer server1
Configuring the WebSphere Administrative Console to use a
different port
By default, the HTTP Transport uses port 9090 to communicate with the
WebSphere Administrative Console. Other processes, such as the Web-based
System Manager on AIX systems, might also use port 9090. To resolve this conflict,
88 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide