
COPCOM405E The Profile Manager is VALUE_0.
Explanation: The Profile Manager specified is not
Operator response: Ensure that the Profile Manager
exists in the TCM environment.
COPCOM407E Profile VALUE_0 is not a managed
Explanation: The creation of the profile failed because
it is not a managed profile.
Operator response: Ensure that the profile being
created for the software package is a managed profile.
COPCOM408E The Endpoint subscriber: VALUE_0
does not exist.
Explanation: The Endpoint subscriber does not exist
in the TCM environment.
Operator response: Ensure that the Endpoint is a
subscriber to a Profile Manager.
COPCOM410E The filter VALUE_1 is a duplicate for
the filter list named VALUE_0.
Explanation: There are duplicate exclude filters in the
Operator response: Ensure that the filter definition
does not contain duplicate exclude filters.
COPCOM411E The filter VALUE_1 is a duplicate for
the filter list named VALUE_0.
Explanation: There are duplicate include filters in the
Operator response: Ensure that the filter definition
does not contain duplicate include filters.
COPCOM412E The filter VALUE_1 is in conflict with
other filters in the filter list named
Explanation: The filter conflicts with other filters in
the filter list.
Operator response: Ensure that there are no conflicts
in the filter list.
COPCOM417E The filter VALUE_0 lacks a parent
Explanation: The filter container or leaf lacks a valid
parent component.
Operator response: Ensure that the filter definition is
valid. Example: PR=region-one,PM=profile-one,EP=,I=T;
or PR=region-two,PM=,SP=,I=F;
COPCOM418E The filter VALUE_0 lacks an include
Explanation: The filter defined does not contain a
valid Boolean value to indicate if it is an include or
exclude type filter.
Operator response: Ensure that the filter definition is
valid. Example: PR=region-one,PM=profile-one,EP=,I=T;
or PR=region-two,PM=,SP=,I=F;
COPCOM419E The filter defined for TCM server
VALUE_0 is null.
Explanation: The defined filter is empty.
Operator response: Ensure that the filter definition is
valid. Example: PR=region-one,PM=profile-one,EP=,I=T;
or PR=region-two,PM=,SP=,I=F;
COPCOM420E The filter with PolicyRegion:
VALUE_0 ProfileManager or Gateway:
VALUE_1 and Endpoint or Profile:
VALUE_2 is incomplete.
Explanation: The filter defined for the TCM
Discovered Object is incomplete and has some elements
Operator response: Ensure that the filter definition is
valid. Example: PR=region-one,PM=profile-
or PR=region-
COPCOM426E The Discovery Execution record is
not found for discovery-id VALUE_0 and
dcm-object-id VALUE_1.
Explanation: The discovery execution record was not
found to update.
Operator response: The workflow should catch the
exception and do a DCMInsert for this discovery
execution data.
COPCOM428W The auditing that failed for
operation VALUE_0 has resulted in a
database problem.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPCOM429E The script type VALUE_0 is not
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
Chapter 10. Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator messages 117