Administrator Response: Check the WebSphere
application server log and trace files. Look at the log
information that is generated with this error to
determine the name of the exception. The name of the
exception typically indicates the problem. If tracing is
not turned on, turn it on and restart the application
If the exception indicates an I/O error (IOException),
try to restart the application server. If the problem
continues, there might be either a file system
permissions problem or a disk failure.
Programmer response: For a ClassNotFoundException
exception, make sure that the name of the class is
spelled correctly in the WSDL.Ports.Impl property in
the agent manager configuration file
(AgentManager.properties). If the name of the class is
correct, make sure that the class is in the class path of
the agent manager.
If the exception is ClassCastException, the specified
class does not implement the appropriate interface, and
is thus not a valid Web service port implementation.
CTGEM0030E The agent manager cannot initialize
the authorization validation listener
Explanation: The agent manager cannot initialize the
authorization validation listener
System action: The agent manager continues to run.
However, all resource manager registration requests
will be rejected.
Administrator Response: Check the WebSphere
application server log and trace files to see exactly
what happened. This message is associated with an
additional message (CTGEM0031E, CTGEM0032E, or
CTGEM0033E) that gives more detail about the
CTGEM0031E The initialization of the authorization
validation listener
(AuthorizationValidator) failed because
it cannot reference the agent manager
Explanation: The initialization of the authorization
validation listener failed because it cannot reference the
agent manager instance.
System action: The agent manager continues to run.
However, all resource manager registration attempts
will be rejected.
Administrator Response: Collect the WebSphere
application server message and trace logs and contact
IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0032E The initialization of the authorization
validation listener
(AuthorizationValidator) failed because
the file_name file does not exist.
Explanation: The initialization of the authorization
validation listener failed because it cannot find the
XML configuration file specified by file_name.
System action: The agent manager continues to run.
However, all resource manager registration attempts
will be rejected.
Administrator Response: Check the
Registration.Manager.Authorization.Config property in
the agent manager configuration file,
AgentManager.properties. Make sure that the file that it
points to, specified by file_name, is in the correct
directory. The location of the file is relative to the
directory specified by the ARS.directory property.
When the information in the configuration file is
correct, restart the agent manager. If the problem
continues, contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0033E The initialization of the authorization
validation listener
(AuthorizationValidator) failed because
an error was detected while parsing the
agent manager configuration file,
Explanation: The initialization of the authorization
validation listener failed because an error occurred
while parsing agent manager configuration file,
System action: The agent manager continues to run.
However, all resource manager registration attempts
will be rejected.
Administrator Response: This error might be caused
by an error in the configuration file. Verify that the
syntax of the file is correct and then restart the agent
manager. If the problem continues, contact IBM
Customer Support.
CTGEM0034W The agent manager cannot write the
agent manager ID to the file_name file.
Explanation: An error occurred while writing the
agent manager ID to the file system.
System action: The agent manager can run even if the
agent manager ID is not saved to the file system. The
next time the agent manager needs to use its ID, it
creates a new one. If the operating system GUID has
not been changed, the new agent manager ID is the
same as the original one.
Creating a new agent manager ID is a problem only
when both of the following conditions are met:
v The agent manager ID is changed because an
administrator requested a new GUID.
208 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide