
374 Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003
dx_setdigtyp( ) — control the types of digits detected by the voice channel
dx_setdigtyp( )
control the types of digits detected by the voice channel
! Description
The dx_setdigtyp( ) function controls the types of digits the voice channel detects.
Notes: 1. This function only applies to the standard voice board digits; that is, DTMF, MF, DPD. To set
user-defined digits, use the dx_addtone( ) function.
2. dx_setdigtyp( ) does not clear the previously detected digits in the digit buffer.
Name: int dx_setdigtyp(chdev, dmask)
Inputs: int chdev
valid channel device handle
unsigned short dmask
type of digit the channel will detect
Returns: 0 if successful
-1 if failure
Includes: srllib.h
Category: Configuration
Mode: synchronous
Platform: DM3, Springware
Parameter Description
chdev specifies the valid channel device handle obtained when the channel was
opened using dx_open( )
dmask sets the type of digits the channel will detect. More than one type of digit
detection can be enabled in a single function call, as shown in the function
On DM3 boards, the following are valid values:
DM_DTMF – enable DTMF digit detection
DM_MF – enable MF digit detection
NULL – disable digit detection
On Springware boards, the following are valid values:
DM_DTMF – enable DTMF digit detection (default setting)
DM_APD – enable audio pulse digits detection
DM_MF – enable MF digit detection
DM_DPD – enable dial pulse digit (DPD) detection
DM_DPDZ – enable zero train DPD detection
To disable digit detection, set dmask to NULL.