
498 Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003
DX_CAP — call progress analysis parameters
No Answer. Length of time to wait after first ringback before deciding that the call is not
Default: 3000 Units: 10 msec
PAMD Fail Time. Maximum time to wait for positive answering machine detection or positive
voice detection after a cadence break.
Default: 400 Units: 10 msec
PAMD Speed Value. Quick or full evaluation for PAMD detection
PAMD_FULL – Full evaluation of response
PAMD_QUICK – Quick look at connect circumstances
PAMD_ACCU – Recommended setting. Does the most accurate evaluation detecting live
voice as accurately as PAMD_FULL but is more accurate than PAMD_FULL (although
slightly slower) in detecting an answering machine. Use PAMD_ACCU when accuracy is
more important than speed.
Default: PAMD_ACCU
Springware Boards
On Springware boards, the fields of the DX_CAP data structure are described as follows:
Note: A distinction is made in the following descriptions between support for PerfectCall
call progress analysis (PerfectCall CPA only), basic call progress analysis (Basic CPA
only), and call progress analysis (CPA).
Number of Rings before Detecting No Answer. The number of single or double rings to wait
before returning a “no answer” (Basic CPA only)
Length: 1 Default: 4 Units: rings
Start Delay. The delay after dialing has been completed and before starting analysis for
cadence detection, frequency detection, and positive voice detection (CPA)
Length: 2 Default: 25 Units: 10 msec
Continuous No Signal. The maximum time of silence (no signal) allowed immediately after
cadence detection begins. If exceeded, a “no ringback” is returned. (CPA)
Length: 2 Default: 4000 Units: 10 msec
Loop Current Delay. The delay after dialing has been completed and before beginning loop
current detection. (CPA) The value -1 means disable loop current detection.
Length: 2 Default: 400 Units: 10 msec
Loop Current Delay 1. The delay after loop current detection detects a transient drop in loop
current and before call analysis returns a “connect” to the application (CPA)
Length: 2 Default: 10 Units: 10 msec