
496 Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003
DX_CAP — call progress analysis parameters
call progress analysis parameters
* call progress analysis parameters
typedef struct DX_CAP {
unsigned short ca_nbrdna; /* # of rings before no answer. */
unsigned short ca_stdely; /* Delay after dialing before analysis. */
unsigned short ca_cnosig; /* Duration of no signal time out delay. */
unsigned short ca_lcdly; /* Delay after dial before lc drop connect */
unsigned short ca_lcdly1; /* Delay after lc drop con. Before msg. */
unsigned short ca_hedge; /* Edge of answer to send connect message. */
unsigned short ca_cnosil; /* Initial continuous noise timeout delay. */
unsigned short ca_lo1tola; /* % acceptable pos. dev of short low sig. */
unsigned short ca_lo1tolb; /* % acceptable neg. dev of short low sig. */
unsigned short ca_lo2tola; /* % acceptable pos. dev of long low sig. */
unsigned short ca_lo2tolb; /* % acceptable neg. dev of long low sig. */
unsigned short ca_hi1tola; /* % acceptable pos. dev of high signal. */
unsigned short ca_hi1tolb; /* % acceptable neg. dev of high signal. */
unsigned short ca_lo1bmax; /* Maximum interval for shrt low for busy. */
unsigned short ca_lo2bmax; /* Maximum interval for long low for busy. */
unsigned short ca_hi1bmax; /* Maximum interval for 1st high for busy */
unsigned short ca_nsbusy; /* Num. of highs after nbrdna busy check. */
unsigned short ca_logltch; /* Silence deglitch duration. */
unsigned short ca_higltch; /* Non-silence deglitch duration. */
unsigned short ca_lo1rmax; /* Max. short low dur. of double ring. */
unsigned short ca_lo2rmin; /* Min. long low dur. of double ring. */
unsigned short ca_intflg; /* Operator intercept mode. */
unsigned short ca_intfltr; /* Minimum signal to qualify freq. detect. */
unsigned short rfu1; /* reserved for future use */
unsigned short rfu2; /* reserved for future use */
unsigned short rfu3; /* reserved for future use */
unsigned short rfu4; /* reserved for future use */
unsigned short ca_hisiz; /* Used to determine which lowmax to use. */
unsigned short ca_alowmax; /* Max. low before con. if high >hisize. */
unsigned short ca_blowmax; /* Max. low before con. if high <hisize. */
unsigned short ca_nbrbeg; /* Number of rings before analysis begins. */
unsigned short ca_hi1ceil; /* Maximum 2nd high dur. for a retrain. */
unsigned short ca_lo1ceil; /* Maximum 1st low dur. for a retrain. */
unsigned short ca_lowerfrq; /* Lower allowable frequency in Hz. */
unsigned short ca_upperfrq; /* Upper allowable frequency in Hz. */
unsigned short ca_timefrq; /* Total duration of good signal required. */
unsigned short ca_rejctfrq; /* Allowable % of bad signal. */
unsigned short ca_maxansr; /* Maximum duration of answer. */
unsigned short ca_ansrdgl; /* Silence deglitching value for answer. */
unsigned short ca_mxtimefrq; /* max time for 1st freq to remain in bounds */
unsigned short ca_lower2frq; /* lower bound for second frequency */
unsigned short ca_upper2frq; /* upper bound for second frequency */
unsigned short ca_time2frq; /* min time for 2nd freq to remains in bounds */
unsigned short ca_mxtime2frq; /* max time for 2nd freq to remain in bounds */
unsigned short ca_lower3frq; /* lower bound for third frequency */
unsigned short ca_upper3frq; /* upper bound for third frequency */
unsigned short ca_time3frq; /* min time for 3rd freq to remains in bounds */
unsigned short ca_mxtime3frq; /* max time for 3rd freq to remain in bounds */
unsigned short ca_dtn_pres; /* Length of a valid dial tone (def=1sec) */
unsigned short ca_dtn_npres; /* Max time to wait for dial tone (def=3sec)*/
unsigned short ca_dtn_deboff; /* The dialtone off debouncer (def=100msec) */
unsigned short ca_pamd_failtime; /* Wait for PAMD/PVD after cadence break (def=4s)*/
unsigned short ca_pamd_minring; /* min allowable ring duration (def=1.9sec)*/
byte ca_pamd_spdval; /* Set to 2 selects quick decision (def=1) */
byte ca_pamd_qtemp; /* The Qualification template to use for PAMD */
unsigned short ca_noanswer; /* time before no answer after 1st ring (def=30s) */
unsigned short ca_maxintering; /* Max inter ring delay before connect (8sec) */