106 Intel
41210 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Developer’s Manual
Register Description
12.2.53 Offset 108h: ERRUNC_MSK—PCI Express*
Uncorrectable Error Mask
This register controls the reporting of individual uncorrectable errors by device to the host bridge
via a PCI Express* error message. This register also controls the logging of the header. Refer to the
PCI Express* specifications for details of how the mask bits function. A masked error (respective
bit set in the mask register) is not reported to the host bridge by the 41210, nor is the header logged
(status bits unaffected by the mask bit). There is a mask bit per bit of the Uncorrectable Error Status
Register (“Offset 104h: ERRUNC_STS—PCI Express* Uncorrectable Error Status Register” on
page 105).
Table 87. Offset 108h: ERRUNC_MSK—PCI Express* Uncorrectable Error Mask
Bits Type Reset Description
31:21 RsvdP 000h Preserved
20 RWCS 0b
Unsupported Request Error Status Error Mask:
0 = Not masked
1 = Masked
19 RO 0b
ECRC Check Error Mask: Not supported
18 RWCS 0b
Malformed TLP Error Mask:
0 = Not masked
1 = Masked
17 RWCS 0b
Receiver Overflow Error Mask:
0 = Not masked
1 = Masked
16 RWCS 0b
Unexpected Completion Error Mask:
0 = Not masked
1 = Masked
15 RWCS 0b
Completer Abort Error Mask:
0 = Not masked
1 = Masked
14 RWCS 0b
Completion Time Out Error Mask:
0 = Not masked
1 = Masked
13 RWCS 0b
Flow Control Protocol Error Status Error Mask:
0 = Not masked
1 = Masked
12 RWCS 0b
Poisoned TLP Received Error Mask:
0 = Not masked
1 = Masked
11:5 RsvdP 00h Preserved
4RWCS 0b
Data Link Protocol Error Mask:
0 = Not masked
1 = Masked
3:1 RsvdP 000b Preserved
0RO 0b
Training Error Mask: Not supported