41210 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Developer’s Manual 65
Clock and Reset
Clock and Reset 10
10.1 Clocking
The Intel
41210 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge (called hereafter the 41210 Bridge or the 41210)
always uses the PCI Express* REFCLK as its primary clock input and drives the PCI clock
outputs. The clock domains are shown in Table 28:
10.2 Device Reset
Four types of resets can be performed on the 41210. These are listed from the highest-level reset to
the lowest-level reset:
• PERST#: This signal indicates stable power when high and causes an asynchronous reset of
the entire chip when low. This signal must be connected to the PERST# pin on the PCI
Express* connector.
• RSTIN#: When asserted, this signal causes an asynchronous reset of the 41210. This reset is
used for debugging purposes only and must be pulled high for normal operation.
• PCI Express* Reset: This reset is a message coming on the PCI Express* interface and resets
all configuration registers with the exception of sticky bits.
• Software PCI Reset: This reset is initiated by writing to the bridge control register of the PCI
configuration space. This reset affects only the associated bridge segment and is commonly
referred to as the Secondary Bus Reset (SBR).
These resets are described in more detail in the following sections.
Table 28. Clock Domains
Frequency Source Usage
PCI Express* 100 MHz Differential External PCI Express* differential clocks
PCI 133/100/66/33 MHz Internal PCI bus clock outputs
SMBus 10–100 KHz Source Synchronous
This pin is controlled by the driver of the
SMBus interface, and typically runs between
10 and 100 KHz
TCK 0–16 MHz External JTAG clock