41210 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Developer’s Manual 73
Register Description
Register Description 12
This chapter describes the registers of the Intel
41210 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge.
12.1 Register Nomenclature and Access Attributes
Table 32 describes the nomenclature used for describing bit attributes throughout this chapter.
Note: Software must not attempt to write to the registers that are marked “reserved”. Writing to these
registers yields undetermined results. Reads of these registers can yield either value. Note that the
behavior of individual register bits that are marked “reserved” is in accordance with the attribute
definition for that bit.
Table 32. Bit Attribute Definitions
Mnemonic Attribute
Read-Only: This bit cannot be altered by software. This bit can be hard-wired to return a
fixed value at all times, or it can be set by hardware on an event.
Reserved and Preserved: These bits are reserved for future RW implementations; software
must preserve the value read for writes to bits. The Intel
41210 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
hardware implements these bits as read-only 0s.
Reserved and Zero: These bits are reserved for future RWC implementations; software must
use 0 for writes to bits. The 41210 hardware implements these bits as read-only 0s.
Read-Only Sticky: These bits are read-only and cannot be altered by software. The bits are
not cleared by reset and can be reset only with the
PERST# reset condition.
Read Zero to Set: Reading this bit when the current value of the bit is 0 causes the bit to flip
to a 1. Software must write a 1 to clear this bit. Writing a 0 has no effect.
Read-Write: Software can do a full read and write of this bit.
Read and Write One to Set: Software must write a 1 to set this bit. Writing a 0 has no effect
on this bit. Software can clear this bit through a separate RWC bit, or it can be reset by
Read-Write and Sticky: Software can read and write this bit. The bit can be reset only by a
PERST# reset.
Read and Write One to Clear: When this bit is set, software must write a 1 to this bit to clear
it. Writing a 0 has no effect.
Read and Write One to Clear and Sticky through reset: When this bit is set, software must
write a 1 to this bit to clear it. Writing a 0 has no effect. The bit can be reset only by a
Strap: This is a read-only register. The power-on default is based on sampling a strap pin at
the rising edge of
Write Transient: This bit is always read as a 0. Writing a 1 to this bit causes other side-
effects that are specific to every WT bit.