500.bok : 50007 119 Fri Sep 11 14:52:16 1998
C H A P T E R 7 Console Port Use and Troubleshooting
BOOTP request and the name of the boot software to a specified
boot server. This is useful if the boot server being used does not
support the use of a bootptab file.
It runs tests on hardware and provides diagnostic information.
Note Loading software to the switch in Maintenance Mode
should only be done as a last resort. This is because the
software and configuration already resident in the flash
memory is overwritten and lost.
Important considerations Consider these points when using Maintenance Mode:
The switch is not operational and the expansion board ports can-
not be used.
Only simple command-line access is possible via the Console
There is a delay before you see the command prompt; this is due
to a hardware test routine being completed.
To enter Maintenance
To enter Maintenance Mode:
1 Using a pointed tool — such as a bent paper clip, press the
Reset button on the front of the switch and hold it until the
SYSTEM LED flashes green quickly (five times per second).
2 Release the Reset button.
3 Attach a VT100-compatible terminal to the serial port on the
front panel using the cable supplied.
4 To display the command prompt on screen, press the Enter key
a couple of times.
Commands allowed in
Maintenance Mode
The following command is available for the switch in Maintenance
Command Use
TFTP <filename> ownIP tftpIP [gwIP]