500.bok : 50002 32 Fri Sep 11 14:52:16 1998
C H A P T E R 2 Intel Device View
Right mouse button
commands for a stack
When managing a stack of switches, right click the stack border and
Intel Device View offers:
Device Reboots the switch and provides informa-
tion about the firmware in the switch. Also
enables the switch’s firmware to be
Configuration Ensures the switch’s configuration is safe
by saving it to the flash memory, by back-
ing up to disk and by being able to restore
it again should it be lost. If necessary, the
switch can be returned to the factory
default configuration.
Monitoring Provides comprehensive details for Span-
ning Tree statistics and RMON facilities,
as well as Hardware information and an
Access Overview.
Functions Description
Functions Description
Stack Setup Displays comprehensive information
about the switch’s overall setup.
VLAN/Routing Setup Provides an overview of existing VLANs
and the opportunity to add new ones or
change existing ones.
IP Filtering Setup Defines user groups and filters the packets
sent to them.
Stack Health Monitor Provides the IP addresses for all the
switches in the stack, the type of switch
and whether they are responding to ping.
IntraStack Traffic Gives information about the traffic through
the Matrix Module.
System Information Gives the name and location of the stack,
together with a contact name and the
length of time the stack has been running.
Stack Activity Displays as graphs monitoring information
of traffic on the ports in the stack.