500.bok : 50007 126 Fri Sep 11 14:52:16 1998
C H A P T E R 7 Console Port Use and Troubleshooting
Files suitable for TFTP
You can retrieve log files for analysis using TFTP. Here are two of
the various files suitable for TFTP transfer:
Transferring files to and
from the switch using
To transfer files using TFTP:
1 At the command prompt, start a TFTP session with the switch.
2 To obtain a directory listing of all the files on the switch, type:
get dir.
3 Examine the directory listing to confirm the names of the files
present in the switch.
Report, log and filter files and a parameter file with a .p or .nvp
extension appear in the directory listing.
4 To retrieve the file that you want, type: get <filename>.
Note If you “get” a report, then the report file is generated
on-the-fly and transferred.
5 If the TFTP access is password protected, type:
get<password>/<filename>. (For example, get edin-
Type Name Contains
ASCII report Information for Customer Support staff
log List of errors
Binary miaram Information for Customer Support staff
ixxxxxx.p For example in9eb003.p A read/write
parameter file which contains the infor-
mation for configuring a switch some-
where else on the network.
ixxxxxx.nvp VLAN database