IXF1104 4-Port Gigabit Ethernet Media Access Controller
168 Datasheet
Document Number: 278757
Revision Number: 007
Revision Date: March 25, 2004
Table 86. Short Runts Threshold ($ Port_Index + 0x14)
Name Description Address Type
Short Runts
The 5-bit configuration holds the value in bytes,
which applies to the threshold in determining
between runts and short. The bits 4:0 of this
register are alone used.
A received packet is reported as a short packet
when the length (excluding Preamble and
SFD) is less than this value.
A received packet is reported as a runt packet
when the length (excluding Preamble and
SFD) is equal to or greater than this value and
less than 64-bytes.
NOTE: This register is only relevant when the
IXF1104 port is configured for copper
operation (the line side interface is
configured for either RGMII or GMII).
Port_Index +
R/W 0x00000008
1. RO = Read Only, No clear on Read; R = Read, Clear on Read; W = Write only; R/W = Read/Write, No
clear; R/W/C = Read/Write, Clear on Write
Table 87. Discard Unknown Control Frame ($ Port_Index + 0x15)
Bit Name Description Type
Register Description:
Discards or forwards unknown control frames. Known control frames
are pause frames.
31:1 Reserved Reserved R 0x00000000
Discard Unknown
Control Frame
0 = Forward unknown control frames
1 = Discard unknown control frames
R/W 0
1. RO = Read Only, No clear on Read; R = Read, Clear on Read; W = Write only; R/W = Read/Write, No
clear; R/W/C = Read/Write, Clear on Write
Table 88. RX Config Word ($ Port_Index + 0x16) (Sheet 1 of 2)
Bit Name Description Type
Register Description:
This register is used in fiber MAC only for auto-negotiation and to report
the receive status. The lower 16 bits of this register are the “config_reg” received from the link
partner, as described in IEEE 802.3 2000 Edition, Section 37.2.1.
31:22 Reserved Reserved RO 0x000
21 An_complete
Auto-negotiation complete. This bit remains
cleared from the time auto-negotiation is reset until
auto-negotiation reaches the “LINK_OK” state. It
remains set until auto-negotiation is disabled or
This bit is only valid if auto-negotiation is enabled.
RO 0
20 Rx Sync
0 = Loss of synchronization
1 = Bit synchronization. The bit remains Low until
the register is read.
RO 0
1. RO = Read Only, No clear on Read; R = Read, Clear on Read; W = Write only; R/W = Read/Write, No clear;
R/W/C = Read/Write, Clear on Write