IXF1104 4-Port Gigabit Ethernet Media Access Controller
Datasheet 175
Document Number: 278757
Revision Number: 007
Revision Date: March 25, 2004
Frames with a legal frame size, but containing
less than eight additional bits. This occurs when
the frame is not byte aligned. The CRC of the
frame is wrong when the additional bits are
stripped. If the CRC is OK, then the frame is not
counted but treated as an OK frame. This
counter increments in 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps
RGMII mode only.
NOTE: This counter increments in 10 or 100
Mbps RGMII mode only.
+ 0x2F
R 0x00000000
Frames bigger than the maximum allowed, with
both OK CRC and the integral number of octets.
Default maximum allowed is 1518 bytes
untagged and 1522 bytes tagged, but the value
can be changed by a register.
Frames bigger than the larger of
2*maxframesize and 50,000 bits are not counted
here, but they are counted in the VeryLongError
+ 0x30
R 0x00000000
Frames bigger than the maximum allowed, with
either a bad CRC or a non-integral number of
octets. The default maximum allowed is 1518
bytes untagged and 1522 bytes tagged, but the
value can be changed by a register.
Frames bigger than the larger of
2*maxframesize and 50,000 bits are not counted
here, but they are counted in the VeryLongError
+ 0x31
R 0x00000000
Number of Pause MAC control frames received.
This statistic register increments on any valid 64-
byte pause frame with a valid CRC and also
increments on a 64-byte pause frame with an
invalid CRC if bit 5 of the âRX Packet Filter
Control ($ Port_Index + 0x19)â is set to 1.
+ 0x32
R 0x00000000
Number of MAC control frames received with an
op code different from 0001 (Pause).
+ 0x33
R 0x00000000
Frames bigger than the larger of
2*maxframesize and 50,000 bits
+ 0x34
R 0x00000000
Table 93. MAC RX Statistics ($ Port_Index + 0x20 â + 0x39) (Sheet 3 of 4)
Name Description Address Type
1. RO = Read Only, No clear on Read; R = Read, Clear on Read; W = Write only; R/W = Read/Write, No clear;
R/W/C = Read/Write, Clear on Write
2. When sending in large frames, the counters can only handle certain limits. The behavior of the LongErrors
and VeryLongErrors counters is as follows: VeryLongErrors counts frames that are 2*maxframesize,
dependent upon where maxframesize is set. If maxframesize sets greater than half of the available count in
RxOctetsBad (2^14-1), VeryLongErrors is never incremented, but LongErrors is incremented. This is due to
a limitation in the counter size, which means that an accurate count will not occur in the RxOctetsBAD
counter if the frame is larger than 2^14-1.
3. This register is relevant only when configured for copper operation.
4. This register is relevant only when configured for fiber operation (line side interface is SerDes).