IXF1104 4-Port Gigabit Ethernet Media Access Controller
170 Datasheet
Document Number: 278757
Revision Number: 007
Revision Date: March 25, 2004
Remote Fault [1:0]
Remote fault definitions:
00 =No error, link okay
01 =Offline
10 = Link failure
11 = Auto-negotiation_Error
R/W 00
11:9 Reserved Write as 0, ignore on Read R/W 000
8 Asym Pause Asym Pause. The ability to send pause frames. R/W 1
7Sym Pause
Sym Pause. The ability to send and receive pause
R/W 1
6 Half Duplex Half-duplex R/W 1
5 Full Duplex Full-duplex R/W 1
4:0 Reserved Write as 0, ignore on read R/W 0x00
Table 90. Diverse Config Write ($ Port_Index + 0x18) (Sheet 1 of 2)
Bit Name Description Type
Register Description:
This register contains various configuration bits for general use. 0x00110D
31:19 Reserved Reserved RO 0x0000
18:13 Reserved Write as 0, ignore on Read. R/W 0x0000
12 Reserved
Write as 1, ignore on Read. R/W 1
11-9 Reserved
Write as 0, ignore on Read. R/W 0x0
Write as 1, ignore on Read. R/W 1
7 pad_enable
0 = Normal operation
1 = Enable padding of undersized packets
NOTE: Assertion of this bit results in the
automatic addition of a CRC to the
padded packet.
R/W 0
6 crc_add
0 = Normal operation
1 = Enable automatic CRC appending
R/W 0
Enable auto-negotiation (used for fiber mode only)
to be performed by the hardware state machines
in the MAC.
The hardware auto-negotiation (AN) state
machine controls the config words transmitted
when this bit is set.
NOTE: In copper mode, this bit must be set to 0
R/W 0
Reserved Write as 0, ignore on Read. R/W 0
1. RO = Read Only, No clear on Read; R = Read, Clear on Read; W = Write only; R/W = Read/Write, No clear;
R/W/C = Read/Write, Clear on Write
2. Reserved bits must be written to the default value for proper operation.
Table 89. TX Config Word ($ Port_Index + 0x17) (Sheet 2 of 2)
Bit Name Description Type
1. RO = Read Only, No clear on Read; R = Read, Clear on Read; W = Write only; R/W = Read/Write, No clear;
R/W/C = Read/Write, Clear on Write
NOTE: A value of 0x0 must be written to all reserved bits of the “TX Config Word ($ Port_Index + 0x17)”