
176 Hardware Reference Manual
IXP2800 Network Processor
Example 25 shows another sequence of instructions and the value of the various operands.
Table 60, shows the data in the registers for this example.
The value in Byte_Index[1:0] CSR (which controls the shift amount) for this example is 2.
As the examples show, byte aligning “n” words takes “n+1” cycles due to the first instruction
needed to start the operation.
Another mode of operation is to use the T_Index register with post-increment, to select the source
registers. T_Index operation is described later in this chapter.
4.3.2 CAM
The block diagram in Figure 59 is used to explain the CAM operation.
The CAM has 16 entries. Each entry stores a 32-bit value, which can be compared against a source
operand by instruction:
CAM_Lookup[dest_reg, source_reg].
All entries are compared in parallel, and the result of the lookup is a 9-bit value that is written into
the specified destination register in bits 11:3, with all other bits of the register set to 0 (the choice of
bits 11:3 is explained below). The result can also optionally be written into either of the LM_Addr
registers (see below in this section for details).
The 9-bit result consists of four State bits (dest_reg[11:8]), concatenated with a 1-bit Hit/Miss
indication (dest_reg[7]), concatenated with 4-bit entry number (dest_reg[6:3]). All other bits of
dest_reg are written with 0. Possible results of the lookup are:
miss (0) — lookup value is not in CAM, entry number is Least Recently Used entry (which
can be used as a suggested entry to replace), and State bits are 0000.
hit (1) — lookup value is in CAM, entry number is entry that has matched; State bits are the
value from the entry that has matched.
Table 60. Register Contents for Example 24
Byte 3
Byte 2
Byte 1
Byte 0
Example 25. Little-Endian Align
Instruction A Operand B Operand Prev A Result
Byte_align_le[--, r0] 3210 -- -- --
Byte_align_le[dest1, r1] 7654 3210 3210 5432
Byte_align_le[dest2, r2] BA98 7654 7654 9876
Byte_align_le[dest3, r3] FEDC BA98 BA98 DCBA
NOTE: B Operand comes from Prev_A register during byte_align_le instructions.