
Hardware Reference Manual 409
IXP2800 Network Processor
Performance Monitor Unit ME00 Events Target ID(100000) / Design Block #(1001)
118 PCI_ARB_GNT[2] PCI_CLK single separate Internal Arbiter PCI Bus Grant 2
119 PCI_ARB_REQ[1] PCI_CLK single separate
120 PCI_ARB_GNT[1] PCI_CLK single separate
121 PCI_ARB_REQ[0] PCI_CLK single separate
122 PCI_ARB_GNT[0] PCI_CLK single separate
123 PCI_TGT_STATE[4] P_CLK single separate PCI Target State Machine State Bit 4
124 PCI_TGT_STATE[3] P_CLK single separate
125 PCI_TGT_STATE[2] P_CLK single separate
126 PCI_TGT_STATE[1] P_CLK single separate
127 PCI_TGT_STATE[0] P_CLK single separate
Table 159. PCI PMU Event List (Sheet 5 of 5)
Table 160. ME00 PMU Event List (Sheet 1 of 2)
Event Name
Burst Description
0 ME_FIFO_ENQ_EVEN T_CLK single separate Even version of Command FIFO
Enqueue (pair with event #8)
1 ME_IDLE_EVEN T_CLK single separate Even version of No Thread running in
Microengine (pair with event #9)
2 ME_EXECUTING_EVEN T_CLK single separate Even version of Valid Instruction (pair with
event #10)
3 ME_STALL_EVEN T_CLK single separate Even version of Microengine stall caused
by FIFO Full (pair with event #11)
4 ME_CTX_SWAPPING_EVEN T_CLK single separate Even version of Occurrence of context
swap (pair with event #12)
5 ME_INST_ABORT_EVEN T_CLK single separate Even version of Instruction aborted due to
branch taken (pair with event #13)
6 ME_FIFO_ENQ_ODD T_CLK single separate Odd version of Command FIFO Enqueue
(pair with event #0)
7 ME_IDLE_ODD T_CLK single separate Odd version of No Thread running in
Microengine (pair with event #3)
8 ME_EXECUTING_ODD T_CLK single separate Odd version of Valid Instruction (pair with
event #4)
9 ME_STALL_ODD T_CLK single separate Odd version of Microengine stall caused
by FIFO Full (pair with event #5)
10 ME_CTX_SWAPPING_ODD T_CLK single separate Odd version of Occurrence of context
swap (pair with event #6)
11 ME_INST_ABORT_ODD T_CLK single separate Odd version of Instruction aborted due to
branch (pair with event #7)