
Hardware Reference Manual 407
IXP2800 Network Processor
Performance Monitor Unit
52 PCI_DRAM_BURST_WRITE P_CLK single separate PCI Burst Write to PCI_CSR_BAR
53 PCI_DRAM_BURST_READ P_CLK single separate PCI Burst Read to PCI_CSR_BAR
54 PCI_SRAM_WRITE P_CLK single separate PCI Write to PCI_SRAM_BAR
55 PCI_SRAM_READ P_CLK single separate
56 PCI_SRAM_BURST_WRITE P_CLK single separate PCI Burst Write to PCI_SRAM_BAR
57 PCI_SRAM_BURST_READ P_CLK single separate
58 PCI_CSR_CMD P_CLK single separate PCI CSR Command Generated
59 PCI_CSR_PUSH P_CLK single separate PCI CSR Push Command
60 PCI_CSR_PULL P_CLK single separate PCI CSR Pull Command
61 PCI_SRAM_CMD P_CLK single separate PCI SRAM Command
62 PCI_SRAM_PUSH P_CLK single separate PCI SRAM Push Command
63 PCI_SRAM_PULL P_CLK single separate PCI SRAM Pull Command
64 PCI_DRAM_CMD P_CLK single separate PCI DRAM Command
65 PCI_DRAM_PUSH P_CLK single separate
66 PCI_DRAM_PULL P_CLK single separate
67 PCI_CSR_2PCI_WR P_CLK single separate PCI Target Write to PCI local CSR
68 PCI_CSR_2PCI_RD P_CLK single separate
69 PCI_CSR_2CFG_WR PCI_CLK single separate PCI Target Write to PCI local Config
70 PCI_CSR_2CFG_RD PCI_CLK single separate
71 PCI_CSR_2SRAM_WR P_CLK single separate PCI Target Write to SRAM CSR
72 PCI_CSR_2SRAM_RD P_CLK single separate
73 PCI_CSR_2DRAM_WR P_CLK single separate PCI Target Write to DRAM CSR
74 PCI_CSR_2DRAM_RD P_CLK single separate
75 PCI_CSR_2CAP_WR P_CLK single separate PCI Target Write to CAPCSR
76 PCI_CSR_2CAP_RD P_CLK single separate
77 PCI_CSR_2MSF_WR P_CLK single separate PCI Target Write to MSFCSR
78 PCI_CSR_2MSF_RD P_CLK single separate
79 PCI_CSR_2SCRAPE_WR P_CLK single separate PCI Target Write to Scrape CSR
80 PCI_CSR_2SCRAPE_RD P_CLK single separate
81 PCI_CSR_2SCRATCH_RING_WR P_CLK single separate PCI Target Write to Scratch Ring CSR
82 PCI_CSR_2SCRATCH_RING_RD P_CLK single separate
83 PCI_CSR_2SRAM_RING_WR P_CLK single separate PCI Target Write to SRAM Ring CSR
84 PCI_CSR_2SRAM_RING_RD P_CLK single separate
85 PCI_XS_LCFG_RD P_CLK single separate
PCI Intel XScale
Core Read Local
Config CSR
86 PCI_XS_LCFG_WR P_CLK single separate
87 PCI_XS_CSR_RD P_CLK single separate
PCI Intel XScale
Core Read Local
88 PCI_XS_CSR_WR P_CLK single separate
Table 159. PCI PMU Event List (Sheet 3 of 5)