IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: Ethernet Access (IxEthAcc) API
April 2005 IXP400 Software Version 2.0 Programmer’s Guide
146 Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007
This feature is available on a per-port basis and should be set before a port is enabled. MAC Filtering
The MAC subcomponent within the Ethernet NPEs is capable of operation in either promiscuous
or non-promiscuous mode. An API to control the operation of the MAC is provided.
Warning: Always use the ixEthAcc APIs to Set and Clear Promiscuous Mode. If the MAC Rx control
register is modified directly, some flags in the IX_OSAL_MBUF header will not be populated
Promiscuous Mode
All valid Ethernet frames are forwarded to the NPE for receive processing. NPE Learning/Filtering
will not function in IxEthDB unless the MACs are configured in promiscuous mode.
Non-Promiscuous Mode
This allows the following frame types to be forwarded to the NPE for receive processing:
• Frame destination MAC address = Provisioned uni-cast MAC address
• Frame destination MAC address = Broadcast address
• Frame destination MAC address = Provisioned multi-cast MAC addresses. The MAC uses a
mask and a multicast filter address. Packets where (dstMacAddress & mask) = (mCastfilter &
mask) are forwarded to the NPE.
Address Filtering
The following functions are provided to manage the MAC address tables:
• IxEthAccPortMulticastAddressJoinAll() — all multicast frames are forwarded to the
• IxEthAccPortMulticastAddressLeaveAll() — Rollback the effects of
• IxEthAccPortMulticastAddressLeave() — Unprovision a new filtering address.
• IxEthAccPortMulticastAddressJoin() — Provision a new filtering address.
• IxEthAccPortPromiscuousModeSet() — All frames are forwarded to the application
regardless of the multicast address provisioned.
• IxEthAccPortPromiscuousModeClear() — Frames are forwarded to the application following
the multicast address provisioned. 802.3x Flow Control
The Ethernet coprocessors adhere to the 802.3x flow control behavior requirements. Upon
receiving a PAUSE frame, the Ethernet coprocessor will stop transmitting. PAUSE frames will not
be forwarded to the NPE or Intel XScale core. There is no software control for this feature.