IXP400 Software
Programmer’s Guide IXP400 Software Version 2.0 April 2005
Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007 309
Codelets 23
This chapter describes the Intel
IXP400 Software v2.0 codelets.
23.1 What’s New
The following changes and enhancements were made to the codelets in software release 2.0:
• Two new codelets have been added. One for demonstrating IxTimeSyncAcc, the other for
23.2 Overview
The codelets are example code that utilize the access-layer components and operating system
abstraction layers discussed in the preceding chapters. Codelets, while not exhaustive examples of
the functionality available to the developer, provide a good basis from which to begin their own
code development for test harnesses, performance analysis code, or even functional applications to
take to market.
This chapter describes the major features of the available in each codelet. For detailed information,
see the header and source files provided with software release 2.0 in the xscale_sw/src/codelets
23.3 ATM Codelet (IxAtmCodelet)
This codelet demonstrates an example implementation of a working ATM driver that makes use of
the AtmdAcc component, as well as demonstrating how the lower layer IxAtmdAcc component
can be used for configuration and control.
This codelet also demonstrates an example implementation of OAM F4 Segment, F4 End-To-End
(ETE), F5 Segment and F5 ETE loopback. Aal5 or Aal0 (48 or 52 bytes) traffic types are available
in this codelet, as well as the display of transmit and receive statistics.
IxAtmCodelet makes use of the following access-layer components:
• IxAtmdAcc
• IxAtmm
• IxAtmSch