IXP400 Software
April 2005 IXP400 Software Version 2.0 Programmer’s Guide
310 Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007
23.4 Crypto Access Codelet (IxCryptoAccCodelet)
This codelet demonstrates how to use the IxCrypto access-layer component and the underlying
security features in the Intel
IXP4XX product line and IXC1100 control plane processors.
IxCryptoAccCodelet runs through the scenarios of initializing the NPEs and Queue Manager,
context registration, and performing a variety of encryption (3DES, AES, ARC4), decryption, and
authentication (SHA1, MD5) operations. This codelet demonstrates both IPSec and WEP service
The codelet also performs some performance measurements of the cryptographic operations.
23.5 DMA Access Codelet (IxDmaAccCodelet)
The DMA Access Codelet executes DMA transfer for various DMA transfer modes, addressing
modes and transfer widths. The block sizes used in this codelet are 8; 1,024; 16,384; 32,768; and
65,528 bytes. For each DMA configuration, the performance is measured and the average rate (in
Mbps) is displayed.
This codelet is not supported in little-endian mode.
23.6 Ethernet AAL-5 Codelet (IxEthAal5App)
IxEthAal5App codelet is a mini-bridge application which bridges traffic between Ethernet and
UTOPIA ports or Ethernet and an ADSL port. Two Ethernet ports and up to eight UTOPIA ports
are supported, which are initialized by default at the start of application.
Ethernet frames are transferred across ATM link (through Utopia interface) using AAL-5 protocol
and Ethernet frame encapsulation described by RFC 1483. MAC address learning is performed on
Ethernet frames, received by Ethernet ports and ATM interface (encapsulated). IxEthAal5App
filters packets based on destination MAC addresses.
IxEthAal5App makes use of the following access-layer components:
• IxEthAcc
• IxAtmdAcc
• IxAtmm
• IxAtmSch
• IxQMgr
23.7 Ethernet Access Codelet (IxEthAccCodelet)
This codelet demonstrates both Ethernet data and control plane services and Ethernet management
services. The features can be selectively executed at run-time via the menu interface of the codelet.
• Ethernet data and control plane services:
— Configuring both ports as a receiver sink from an external source (such as Smartbits)