
OCPRF100 MP Server System Technical Product Specification
Revision 1.0
each region is a single address. Thus, aliases will occur on byte boundaries throughout the
remainder of the region decoded for that function. Note that the eighth region from 0xFF00
0xFFFF is not used.
In register bit descriptions listed below, five fields are shown: the data bit number(s), the name of
the field, how the bit(s) respond to a reset, whether the bits are readable and/or writeable, and a
description of the field. RO indicates read-only, WO indicates write-only, and RW indicates read-
able and writeable. Any fields that are marked as reserved should be ignored when read, and
should be set to zero when written. Drive Fault Status Region (0xF800 0xF8FF)
The drive fault LEDs are controlled by this register. Writing a one to a bit turns the corresponding
LED on. Reading the register returns the current state of the LEDs. A warm or cold reset clears
all register bits to zero. The upper two bits are undefined. Drive Power Enable Region (0xF900 0xF9FF)
Power is applied to a drive when its corresponding power-enable bit is set to one in this register.
Following a cold reset, each drive that is present will have its power-enable bit turned on. A warm
reset has no effect on this register.
Table 8-1: Drive Fault Status Byte Format
Bit(s) Name Reset Action R/W Description
7:2 Reserved N/A Reserved bits.
1:0 FLT[1:0] Clear RW Drive fault LED enable. 0=LED off, 1=LED on. Bit 0 corre-
sponds to drive ID 0.
Table 8-2: Drive Power Enable Byte Format
Bit(s) Name Reset Action R/W Description
7:2 Reserved N/A Reserved bits.
1:0 DRVPWR[1:0] (see text) RW Drive power enable. 0=power off, 1=power on. Bit 0 corre-
sponds to drive ID 0.