OCPRF100 MP Server System Technical Product Specification
Revision 1.0
each region is a single address. Thus, aliases will occur on byte boundaries throughout the
remainder of the region decoded for that function. Note that the eighth region from 0xFF00 –
0xFFFF is not used.
In register bit descriptions listed below, five fields are shown: the data bit number(s), the name of
the field, how the bit(s) respond to a reset, whether the bits are readable and/or writeable, and a
description of the field. RO indicates read-only, WO indicates write-only, and RW indicates read-
able and writeable. Any fields that are marked as reserved should be ignored when read, and
should be set to zero when written. Drive Fault Status Region (0xF800 – 0xF8FF)
The drive fault LEDs are controlled by this register. Writing a one to a bit turns the corresponding
LED on. Reading the register returns the current state of the LEDs. A warm or cold reset clears
all register bits to zero. The upper two bits are undefined. Drive Power Enable Region (0xF900 – 0xF9FF)
Power is applied to a drive when its corresponding power-enable bit is set to one in this register.
Following a cold reset, each drive that is present will have its power-enable bit turned on. A warm
reset has no effect on this register.
Table 8-1: Drive Fault Status Byte Format
Bit(s) Name Reset Action R/W Description
7:2 Reserved N/A Reserved bits.
1:0 FLT[1:0] Clear RW Drive fault LED enable. 0=LED off, 1=LED on. Bit 0 corre-
sponds to drive ID 0.
Table 8-2: Drive Power Enable Byte Format
Bit(s) Name Reset Action R/W Description
7:2 Reserved N/A Reserved bits.
1:0 DRVPWR[1:0] (see text) RW Drive power enable. 0=power off, 1=power on. Bit 0 corre-
sponds to drive ID 0.