
OCPRF100 MP Server System Technical Product Specification
Revision 1.0
of that power supply is necessary. A low state indicates the power supply failure. The power
supply failure signal is an output signal from the power supply to the system.
Measured relative to the power supply DC common output ground pins.
5.6.7 Power Supply Kill (Input)
The power supply kill signal is available on the power supply connector. The mating pin of this
signal on the backplane should be tied to ground potential on the backplane. Internal to the
power supply, the power supply kill pin should be connected to the +5 V standby through a pull-
up resistor.
Upon receiving a low state signal at the power supply kill pin, the power supply will be allowed to
turn on. A logic low on this pin by itself should not turn on the power outputs. With the power sup-
ply kill signal in a low state, a logic high signal on the power supply on signal will be able to turn
on the power supply.
When this pin is pulled up high (power supply is extracting from the backplane), the power supply
should be shut down immediately without any delay, regardless of the condition of the PS_On
The truth table for the logic of power supply kill and power supply on is shown in Table 5-13:
Logic Table for Power Supply Kill and Power Supply On.
The characteristics of the power supply kill signal are shown in Table 5-14: Power Supply Kill
Specification. The power supply kill is an input signal to the power supply from the system.
Table 5-12: Power Supply Failure
Power Supply Failure Signal Voltage Level
LOW STATE (power supply failure) 0.4 V max
HIGH STATE (power supply OK) 4 V min
Table 5-13: Logic Table for Power Supply Kill and Power Supply On
Power Supply Kill Power Supply On Power Supply Conditions
Low High DC outputs are On
X Low DC outputs are Off
High X DC outputs are Off