
OCPRF100 MP Server System Technical Product Specification
Revision 1.0
Protection. A hard short circuit should turn off the power supply immediately. A hard short circuit
is defined as when the load level is less than 10 milliohms. Current Share Requirements
Equal power sharing of paralleled power supplies is required. The failure of a power supply does
not affect the current sharing or output voltages of other power supplies still in operation in a
redundant configuration.
The +3.3 V, +5 V, and +12 V output currents of paralleled supplies maintain a load deviation of ±
10% at rated current.
Signals to control current share may consist of one wire connecting all paralleled supplies for
each output voltage required to share current. One separate ground wire may be supplied for
these signals, if required.
5.6 Control Signals
5.6.1 Power Supply On (Input)
The power supply on circuit will be safety extra-low voltage (SELV). Upon receiving this signal,
the power supply is turned on and power outputs and other signals are provided at the corre-
sponding DC connector output pins. The characteristics of this signal are shown in Table 5-8:
Power Supply on Specification. The power supply on is an input signal to the power supply from
the system.
Measured relative to the power supply DC common output ground pins.
5.6.2 AC OK Signal (Output)
Each power supply provides an AC OK signal. A pin must be allocated for this signal on the DC
connector. This signal indicates that input line AC voltage has reached the minimum level to
power up the corresponding power supply. This signal is to be utilized by the system to synchro-
nize the power on timing of multiple power supplies within the system. The characteristics of the
AC OK signal are shown in Table 5-9: AC Good Signal.
Table 5-8: Power Supply on Specification
DC Power Enable Signal Voltage Level Current
HIGH, PWR SUPPLY ENABLED 4 V min 0.5 mA max source current
LOW, PWR SUPPLY DISABLED 1 V max or open circuit