196 User’s Manual for InterForm400
Work with E-mail/Fax definition MAI300D
Definition name . . . . . : DEMO
Description . . . . . . . : Distribution of the Demo spool file
Select one of the following options:
1. How to find E-mail address / Fax number
2. Key definition
3. Definition variables
4. Default PDF-file name
5. Definition E-mail text / Cover page text
6. Definition recipient-ID
7. E-mail addresses and Fax numbers
8. Senders E-mail address
9. Encryption and Signature
10. PDF bookmark definition
Option: __
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
Below we go through the elements of the E-mail finishing definition and do the
necessary setup in order to distribute the Demo spool file.
1. How to find E-mail address / Fax number
Work with E-mail/Fax definition MAI300D
Definition name . . . . . : DEMO
Description . . . . . . . : Distribution of the Demo spooled file
How to find E-mail address / Fax number
Select one of the following options:
1. By key
2. By user exit program
3. Find in spooled file
Option: _
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
On the screen above you define how you intend to determine the e-mail address or fax
number to send to for the individual pages. The selection here affects these other options:
1. By key It will open up option '2. Key definitions' but with the user
exit program disabled. Also option '7. E-mail addresses
and Fax numbers ' will be enabled.
2. By user exit program Will open up option '2. Key definitions' with the user exit
program enabled. Option '7. E-mail addresses and Fax
numbers ' will be disabled.
3. Find in spooled file Options '2. Key definition' and '7. E-mail addresses and
Fax numbers' will both be disabled. (The elements for the
e-mail is found in option '6. Definition recipient-ID').