User’s Manual for InterForm400
MAXACT for the *BASE pool
You could increase this value to reduce tread transitions into the ineligible state.
OS/400 System values
These are the system values you could consider to change to get better JAVA
performance on your iSeries:
QACTJOB (Initial number of active jobs)
Increase this (from default of 20) to 400.
QADLACTJ (Additional number of active jobs)
Increase this (from default of 10) to 50.
QADLTOTJ (Additional number of total jobs)
Increase this (from default of 10) to 50.
QMAXACTLVL (Maximum activity level of system)
Ensure, that this is *NOMAX (*NOMAX is default).
QPRCMLTTSK (Processor multi-tasking)
Make sure, that this is set to '1' (on) ('1' is default).
QTOTJOB (Total number of jobs)
Increase to 1000 (35 is default).
OS/400 Subsystem settings
Increase the number of QSQSRVR initial jobs. The value should be the number of
expected concurrent transactions plus jobs for the application server. The default value is
5 - used for native JDBC. An increased number increases overhead slightly. Make sure,
that the maximum number of uses is 200 (default).
Use this command to change the number of initial jobs:
Increase the number of QZDASOINIT jobs. Same rules as for QSQSRVR. The default
value is 1 - for toolbox JDBC.
Use this command to change the number of initial jobs: