User’s Manual for InterForm400®
Escape messages:
CPF9801 Object &2 in library &1 not found.
CPF9810 Library &1 not found.
APF9801 Error code &1 loading InterForm400 resources.
Possible error codes for message APF9801:
Error code Description
IMP0001 The InterForm APFIMPORT library can not be used.
IMP0002 The InterForm import library APFIMPORT is in use.
IMP0003 The InterForm import library APFIMPDST already exists.
IMP0004 Error installing the InterForm import library APFIMPORT.
IMP0005 Error installing the InterForm import library APFIMPDST.
IMP0006 One or more InterForm resources was not transferred to
Sample scenario of using MEL and the IMPAPFRSC command
Two developer teams at the same AS/400 are using InterForm400 to enhance printouts:
• TEAM A are designing a French invoice named INV003 in the file set FRINV for
customer A
• TEAM B are designing a Danish credit note named CRE002 in the file set DKINV
for customer B.
Then TEAM A and TEAM B both need to distribute their overlays to the customers:
• First TEAM A creates a library named TEAMA and export the overlay INV003 from
file set FRINV.
• Then TEAM A creates a distribution (a save file) named EXPORT.INV in library
• At the same time TEAM B creates a library named TEAMB and export the overlay
CRE002 from file set DKINV and creates a distribution (a save file) named
EXPORT.CRE in library TEAMB.
The TEAMA/EXPORT.INV save file can now be sent to customer A, and the
TEAMB/EXPORT.CRE save file can now be sent to customer B.
Restoring the savefile TEAMA/EXPORT.INV at customer A's site and running the
APFIMPRSC command will import the INV003 overlay to customer A's system.
Restoring the savefile TEAMB/EXPORT.CRE at customer B's site and running the
APFIMPRSC command will import the CRE002 overlay to customer B's system.
The CL program to restore the overlay at customer A's site might look like this: