
IntroductionChapter 1
7PK80 Series 80-Column User’s Manual
Power LED
The power (left) LED shows a steady green when the power is plugged in
and when the printer is awake after coming out of a sleep mode.
Radio Button
Press the third button, the Ra dio Button,totoggletheradioonoroff.
S If the button is pressed when the RF power is off, then the printer emits
one short beep before turning on the RF power.
S If this button is pressed when the RF power is on, the printer emits two
short beeps before turning off the RF power.
Single Color (Blue) Radio LED
The single-color (blue) radio LED indicator shows the current status of
the RF power for this printer as follows:
Printer State Radio State Radio Power State
Asleep Off Off
Awake Off Off
Asleep Momentary flash at 1 every 5 seconds On
Awake On On
Single Color (Green) Power LED
printer power as follows:
Printer State Color LED and Meaning
Asleep Off
Awake Green
Vehicle Battery
Power is provided to the printer through a cable permanently installed in
the vehicle. See Inside Sales for ordering information and part numbers.