Operation—Chapter 2
15PK80 Series 80-Column User’s Manual
Fill the Paper Tray
Note: Do not exceed the recommended amounts of paper quantity or
thickness. When loading multiple-sheet paper, be sure to have the original
faced up, with the leading edge towards the rear of the printer.
The Fixed Mount Printer can load paper from a compact paper tray (next
paragraph), a dashboard mount paper tray (page 17),oraseparatebox.
Fill the Compact Paper Tray
The compact paper tray is designed to hold 6.25” x 8.5” forms. Larger
instructions are written for 8.5” x 11” forms.
If you are using a compact paper tray to feed paper into the Fixed Mount
Printer, then do the following to load paper into that tray:
1 Hold a stack of paper, upto2.5inches(6cm)thick,with the original on
top. Bend the paper to fit the paper tray.