Operation—Chapter 2
21PK80 Series 80-Column User’s Manual
Set the Paper
Do the following to feed the paper into the printer:
1 Press, and hold, the Forward button on the user panel to f eed the paper
into the printer (6).
2 Lower the paper bail (7). An empty printer autofeeds new paper approx-
imately 0.1” (0.25 cm) beyond the top of the paper bail.
Note: The ideal distance to feed paper beyond the paper bail may vary
due to envir onmental conditions (such as humidity) and specific aspects
of certain paper. Use the green thumb wheel to position the paper to a
desired distance per your conditions.
Note: If your paper has a preprinted logo on every page, make sure the
print head is below the preprinted logo. If not, you can adjust the posi-
tion of the paper, either by pressing, then releasing, the Forward button
to move the paper forward or the Reverse button to move the paper
back, or by using the green thumb wheel.
3 Closetheprinterlid.Makesurethepaperwillpassthroughthepaper
slot when the printer starts printing.