30 EasyCoder PL4 Printer User’s Guide
Bluetooth Communications
Note: The following section only applies when the Bluetooth
Module is installed in the PL4 printer.
The radiated output power of this internal wireless radio
is far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits.
Nevertheless, this Bluetooth radio must be used in such a
manner that the antenna is 2.5 cm (1 inch) or further
from the human body such as with a belt clip or shoulder
strap. Do not use the printer in an unauthorized manner.
Attention: La puissance de sortie émise par ce module sans
fil interne se situe bien au-dessous des limites d’exposition
à la radiofréquence stipulées par la FCC. Toutefois, ce
module Bluetooth doit être utilisé de façon à ce que
l’antenne se situe à 2,5 cm ou plus du corps humain, avec
une pince de ceinture ou une courroie par exemple.
Utiliser seulement l’imprimante de façon autorisée.
“Bluetooth” is a worldwide standard for the exchange of data
between two devices via radio frequencies. Bluetooth radios are
relatively low powered to help prevent interference with other
devices running at similar radio frequencies. This low power
limits the range of a Bluetooth device to about 10 meters
(approximately 32 feet).
To exchange data, two Bluetooth enabled devices must establish
a connection. Bluetooth software is always running in the
background, ready to respond to connection requests. One
device (known as the master or the client) must request a
connection with another. The second device (the slave or the
server) then accepts or rejects the connection. A Bluetooth
enabled PL4 normally acts as a slave, but in theory any
Bluetooth device can be either a master or a slave. This
miniature network is sometimes referred to as a “piconet” and
can consist of several Bluetooth enabled devices.
Each Bluetooth PL4 has a unique Bluetooth Device Address
(BDA) loaded into its module when manufactured.