
EasyCoder PL4 Printer User’s Guide 41
5 Set the poll frequency of the printer. The poll frequency
determines how often the printer checks for new e-mail. It is
recommended that you choose a value greater than 10
seconds; otherwise the printer may be unresponsive to other
activity. Set the poll frequency using the following command:
! U1 SETVAR “ip.pop3.poll” “xxx
where “xxx” is the desired time in seconds for how often the
printer should check for new e-mail.
6 Enable POP3 via the command:
! U1 SETVAR “ip.pop3.enable” “on”
7 If you want the printer to display the headers of the e-mail
messages when they are printed, issue the following
! U1 SETVAR “ip.pop3.print_headers” “on”
8 Test the POP3 e-mail printing. For help, see the next
To test the POP3 e-mail printing
1 Print a configuration label and check that the POP3 line
reads on. For help, see “Verifying the Printer Is Working”
earlier in this guide.
2 From your PC, send an e-mail to the POP3 mail account that
the printer is monitoring.
3 Turn the printer off and then back on.
Within 10 seconds, the printer should print out the e-mail
message you just sent.