
EasyCoder PL4 Printer User’s Guide 37
For more information on using and sending commands to your
printer, see the EasyCoder PL-Series Printer Programmer’s
Reference Manual.
To set up WEP encryption
1 Print a configuration label. For help, see “Verifying the
Printer Is Working” earlier in this guide.
2 Connect to the printer via the serial cable and a
communications program (such as HyperTerminal). Ensure
your communications software matches the baud rate
displayed in the configuration label generated in Step 1.
3 Reset the printer to the factory network defaults by typing the
following two commands in the serial communication
program window:
! U1 DO “device.restore_defaults” “wlan”
! U1 DO “device.restore_defaults” “ip”
4 Set the eSSID of the Printer to match your wireless network
by issuing the following command:
! U1 SETVAR “wlan.essid” “my essid
where “my essid” is the eSSID of your wireless network. Please
note the values must be enclosed in double quotes. If you do
not know what the eSSID of your network is, please contact
your network administrator for assistance.
5 Set the encryption mode of the printer via the following
! U1 SETVAR “wlan.encryption_mode” “mode
where mode is off, 40-bit, or 128-bit depending on your
wireless network’s WEP encryption mode.
6 Set the encryption index of the printer via the following
! U1 SETVAR “wlan.encryption_index” “index”
where index is 1, 2, 3, or 4 depending on which key index is
being used. The index must match the wireless network’s
WEP key index setting.