11-14 BRAKES
Brake Discs
.Before assembly, clean all parts including the master
cylinder with brake fluid or alcohol.
.Apply brake fluid to the removed parts and to the inner
wall of the cylinder.
I nsta!lation
.Install the brake disc on the wheel so that the rotation
mark aligns with the tire rotation.
.Take care not to scratch the piston or the inner wall of
the cylinder.
1. Rotation Mark
2. Rotation Direction
.Tighten the disc mounting bolts to the specified torque
(see Exploded View).
*Replace the disc if the sliding surfaces have worn past
the service limit.
Inspection (Visually )
.Check that there are no scratches. wear, rust, or pitting
on the following parts.
Inside of the Master Cylinder
Outside of the Piston
Primary Cups
Secondary Cups
Dust Covers
Return Springs
Relief and Supply Port Plugged
*If they are damaged, replace them.
Front Disc Thickness
Standard: 4.3 "" 4.6 mm
Service limit: 4.0 mm
5.8 -6.1 mm
Rear Disc Thickness
Service Limit:
1. Reservoir
2. Diaphragm
3. Relief Port
4. Supply Port
5. Cylinder
6. Return Spring
7. Primary Cup
8. Piston
9. Secondary Cup
10. Dust Cover
11. Brake Lever
.Jack up the motorcycle so that the wheel is off the
ground (see Wheels/Tires chapter and Final Drive
.For front disc inspection, turn the handlebar fully to one
.Set up a dial gauge against the disc as shown and
measure disc runout.
*If runout exceeds the service limit, replace the disc.