Radiator Fan System
Fan System Circuit Inspection
.Remove the left lower fairing and disconnect the leads
from the radiator fan switch.
A. Turn Signal Relay
.Check the condition or the relay for the following
A. Fan Switch Terminals
.Using an auxiliary wire, connect the radiator fan switch
*If the fan rotates, inspect the fan switch.
*If the fan does not rotate, inspect the following.
Fan Fuse (Junction Box)
Headlight Circuit
Leads and Connectors
Main Fuse
(1) Neither right nor left turn signals come on at all:
.Check that battery voltage is normal.
.Unplug the relay leads and use an ohmmeter to check
that there is continuity (close to zero ohms) between
the relay terminals.
* If there is no ohmmeter reading, or if there is several
ohms resistance, replace the relay with a new one.
.Turn the meter to the 25 V DC range, connect the ( + )
meter lead to the brown lead that was disconnected
from the relay, and connect the ( -) meter lead to the
orange lead.
.With the ignition switch on, first switch the turn signal
switch to the R and then to the L position. The meter
should register battery voltage at either position.
*If it does not, the fuse, ignition switch, or wiring is at
(2) Both right or both left turn signals come on and stay
on or flash too slowly:
.Check that battery voltage is normal.
.Check that all wiring connections are good.
.Check that the turn signal bulbs and indicator bulbs are
of the correct wattage.
*If all of the above check good, replace the relay.
(3) A single light on one side comes on and stays on:
*Either the light that does not come one is burned out of
the incorrect wattage, or the wiring is broken or
improperly connected.
(4) Neither light on one side comes:
*Unless both lights for that side are burned out, the
trouble is with the turn signal switch.
(5) Flashing rate is too fast:
* If this occurs on both the right and left sides, check that
the battery is not being overcharged.
*If the magneto and the battery voltage are normal,
replace the turn signal relay.
*If this occurs on only one side, one or both of the turn
signal bulbs are of too high a wattage.