5-8 ClUTCH
Clutch Housing Finger Inspection
.Visually inspect the fingers of the clutch housing where
the tang of the friction plates hit them.
* If they are badly worn or if there are grooves cut where
the tang hit, replace the housing. Also, replace the
friction plates if their tangs are damaged.
Friction or Steel Plate Warp Inspection
.Place each friction plate or steel plate on a surface plate,
and measure the gap between the surface plate and
each friction plate or steel plate. The gap is the amount
of friction or steel plate warp.
*If any plate is warped over the service limit, replace it
with a new one.
A. Clutch Housing Finger
B. Friction Plate Tang
1 .Friction or Steel Plate
2. Thickness Gauge
Friction and Steel Plate Warp
Standard: less than 0.2 mm
Service Limit: 0.3mm
Clutch Hub Spline Inspection
.Visually inspect where the teeth on the steel plates wear
against the splines of the clutch hub.
* If there are notches worn into the splines, replace the
clutch hub. Also, replace the steel plates if their teeth
are damage.
Clutch Spring Free Length Measurement
.S~nce the spring becomes shorter as it weakens, check
its free length to determine its condition.
* If any of the springs is shorter than the service limit, it
must be replaced.
A. Clutch Hub Spline
A. Clutch Spring
Clutch Spring Free Length
Standard: 33.6 mm
Service Limit: 32.6 mm