Stitch Width and Length Buttons
All stitches m your Sensor Sew 70 are pre-set for the best stitch
length and width, but if you wish to change the settings here's
You can set stitch width and length with these two buttons.
(Use one at a time. The machine will remember the first one
while you set the other, without your having to press the
memory button.)
Use the Plus "+" or minus "-" buttons to increase or decrease
the stutch w_dth or length.
The indicator screen will show the stitch width or length you
have sefected.
o Stitch Width Button
This button controls the width of zigzag stitches.
NOTE: tf you press the stitch wldth button while doing
straight stitching, the stitch width light will go on and
the indicator screen will show "C", Your needle is
m the "Center" tf you press the "+" button, the
indicator will show "R '° (Right). If you press the
"--" button, the indicator wilt show "L" (Left).
When you press this button for zigzag stltches, the stitch width
light witl go on and the indicator screen wilt show the preset
stitch width of "5.0"-
NOTE: The range of stitch width depends on the stitch pattern you select.
To Decrease the Stitch Width:
To Increase the Stitch Width:
Press the "-°' button. The width wilt decrease Press the "+" button, The zlgzag width wilt
by 0.5 mm to "0.0" each t=me you press the increase by 0.5 mm up to "7.0" each time you
button, press the button.
To Adjust the Stitch Width Quickly:
Hold Down the "--" or "+" button until you reach the stitch w_dth you desire.
To Return to the Preset Stitch Width (or clear the stitch wtdth):
Press the Stitch Width button again (or press the Clear button).
The stitch width light and the indicator screen will go off.