Scallop Stitch []
Set the Machine
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A: Zigzag foot
Thread tension
The Stitch and Its Uses
Use this attractive scallop stitch to create
scallop edges or decorate your sewing
projects, such as collars, pockets or
P]acemats, You can create a delicate
appearance on thin fabrics, such as chiffon,
using a single layer of fabric with a tear-away
backing for support while stitching.
You can also use this scallop stitch to sew
decorative edgings on the hemlines of dresses
or sleeves,
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Here's How
1. Sew your sca]tops at least 3/8" from the folded edge.
2. After stitching, trim fabric close to the stitching. Be carefu! not to cut the
Helpful Hints
For thin fabrics:
Use a single layer of fabric with a tear-away backing for support while stitching.
For hemlines and sleeves:
Use a tear-away backing, if necessary.
For collars, pockets or craft projects:
Place interfacing between the layers of fabric to provide stiffness.