Straight Stitches [] _ [] (Continued)
Position Your Needle for Topstitching
The needle has three positions:
left, center and right,
To posttion the needle to the left:
1. Press the stitch width control button,
2. Press the stttch length/wLdth decrease button.
3, The stttch length/width indicator will show
"L" or left needle positron.
To position the needle at the center:
1, Press the stitch width control button.
2. The stitch length/width indicator shows
"'C" or canter needle position.
To pos_tlon the needle to the right:
1. Press the stitch width control button,
2. Press the stitch length!width increase button,
3. The stitch indicator wilt show "R" or right
needle position.
Left or right needle position is recommended for stitching edge of the fabnc.
Besides the normal straight stitch method of topstitching, this machine does other types of
topst]tching that are better for knits or produce a more elaborate decoratwe effect.